Adam's "Rib"
Was a "rib" actually removed from Adam to create Eve? Seems ridiculous doesn't it? After all, males and females have the same number of ribs.
Or do they?
Females have 46 full blown chromosomes, including 2 X chromosomes, but males have 45, including 1 X chromosome, plus that shrunken little structure called a Y chromosome to bring their total to 46.
Is that Y chromosome the remnant of Adam's "rib"?
Before any females get too incensed by this idea, consider one of its implications. It would imply that before the removal of that "rib", Adam himself was what we would now call genetically female. Food for thought ...
Genesis 2:21-22
And the LORD God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh instead thereof;
And the rib, which the LORD God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man.
Nice one!
Someone recently told me to look at the order of creation -- each subsequent level is more sophisticated than the last as God gets closer and closer to creating in His own image.
So God creates man, and then perfects it by creating woman, His final creation.
Just a laugh, but I've heard the chromasomes issue discussed before. Something about a Y chromasome being an X with one of the 4 bars missing. It makes more sense if you draw it on paper.
I think would be very cool to find out that the missing bit of chromasome was the "rib".
Thanks! I don't have the latest details on the Y chromosome, but I have also heard it carries a reduced number of active genes rather than none at all.
But genetically, the female is presumably the more nearly complete creature, because the male is "missing" some genetic material ...
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